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Waste Collection


It’s the law!
Proper storage, handling and disposal of PERC solvent or waste is a legal responsibility for all dry cleaners.
High penalties apply Failing to do so not only harms the environment, heavy penalties can apply to businesses that don’t comply:

  • Up to $5,000,000 or a seven-year jail sentence if waste is illegally dumped and harms the environment
  • Up to $1,000,000 for transporting waste (or causing waste to be transported) to a place that cannot lawfully receive waste.
  • Up to $250,000 for supplying false or misleading information about waste.

Lawful handling of PERC solvent and wastes means they are dealt with according to occupational health and safety guidelines. The company supplying chemicals can provide a material safety data sheet outlining these. Lawful disposal means any PERC waste is removed by an approved waste transporter and taken to an EPA-licensed receiving facility.

DECC’s website provides more information about legal obligations and bunded storage areas. See www.environment.nsw.gov.au/mao/ bundingspill.htm

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SKU: SKU526 Category:
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