25 years industry experts

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Increase your cost efficiency by reducing finishing time, increasing the life of the pad and improving finished appearance.

Our Press Pad has a special labour saving blue coloured top cloth that allows you to easily move a garment, setting up pleats, smoothing wrinkles, yet holding the garment from sliding off. It’s made of the finest materials, specially compounded firm grade press pad rubber, Nylon/Polyester flannel for better insulation and long wear-fine synthetic mesh bottom cloth all sewn together with hi-temp thread.

All PRESS PADS ARE MADE IN USA. Made from the highest quality latex foam..


42" TTL Horscroft Universal
42" TTL Horscroft Universal
45" AOL Cissell
45" AOL Cissell
45" AOL Cissell Universal
45" AOL Cissell Universal
446 Ajax
446 Ajax
47" Pony
47" Pony
47MLR Forenta Universal
47MLR Forenta Universal
48 LC RC Forenta Universal
48 LC RC Forenta Universal
48L Hoffman Universal
48L Hoffman Universal
SKU: SKU585 Category:
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